The Best Camping Weather

perfect camping weather


If you’re like me, you may not be particular about the seasons during which you camp. As spring and summer offer some of the best camping weather in the world, I spend a great deal of time seeking out the best camping weather available. This means that I look for gains in temperature as well as gains in humidity. These gains can be benefits to both. When it comes to mosquitoes, gains in temperature help keep them less strung, but when it comes to bugs on your skin, their appetite for your blood is seemingly insatiable. Preventing bug bites and attacks is a central focus of camping gear and planning. However, many surrendered items such as bug repellants, antiperspirants, and sunscreen can during hot weather be a waste of space or simply re-purpose for other purposes. As spring and summer Travel John summer highlight some great new technologies to keep the bugs off or bug free, it’s worth taking a close look at your camping gear to search for anything that can be used to make the trip more comfortable.

Weather-Packed Insect Repellents

Weather-padded canopies are both lightweight and sturdy, fully enclosing you and your stuff to protect from severe weather. The textured surface and motion capture the exterior of the canopy, creating a camouflage. With multiple camouflages on offer, prices can start in the low range to the top-of-the-line infrared camera systems that detect and map the bugs and bugs footprints on the ground. Camera systems are also good mosquito deterrents. Mosquitoes that are:

* Detects carbon dioxide and moisture from breathing

* Identifies insects and tracks them

* Lenses are sensitive enough to pick up heat and movement

* Makes a lot of noise

Probably the most useful device is the night vision mosquito repellent. Not only does it deter mosquitoes, it also keeps away other bugs with its visual and heat sensors.  This tip was given to me by a friend who runs an aerial lift dielectric testing and uses this type of repellent in the field.

You can go even further than just using it to protect yourself. Therma CELL technology, for instance, has created a mosquito repellent that contains not only DEET but also picaridin, a multiple-nanoselenes of DEET. Picaridin is also a chemically complex that breaks down quickly in water, so it doesn’t taint the water. This type of repellent has been shown to be 100% effective in what one mosquito expert calls “some of the toughest conditions on the face of the earth.”

Picaridin is also environmentally friendly. It contains no chemicals and doesn’t harm sphagnum or any of the surrounding vegetation. It also doesn’t damage the ozone layer. Instead, most scientists believe that killing the bacteria and insects that cause disease is the way to go. Buying environmentally friendly bug sprays and nets from a bug repellent store can help protect you and your family from disease.

You can also put essential oils in your skin-water complex to help ward off mosquitoes. These do not take much of the body’s moisture, and can be greasy so you don’t stay thoroughly mosquito coated.

There are other natural oils that have been shown to repel mosquitoes for a few hours as well. These include citronella and eucalyptus oil. You can also collect termites extract and put it on your skin to help keep those pests away for a few hours or longer.

Try these natural bug repellants and see for yourself how effective they are.

Happy Camping!